Thursday, May 19, 2016

Lost In Translation - The Fear Of The CanGeek

Blogging doesn't come naturally to me as much as I wish it did.....

I live in the somewhat constant fear that as my fingers fly across the keyboard my playfulness and slightly dark sense of humor will be misunderstood and lost in translation, that it will be viewed as anything other than what it is,  an attempt to engage and entertain my readers.

But I do it anyways and here's why:

CanGeek posts a lot of content to the various social media platforms that we're active on, from humorous memes and questions asking about your preferences, to shared content from other pages and now our new weekly blogs, everything we do is done in the hopes of growing our following and sparking enthusiastic interaction.

From video games and board games to movies and television shows, if its science fiction or fantasy related then we want to talk about it because that's were our passion resides, and one thing you can be guaranteed of, regardless of our feelings (we either love it or hate it, its how we roll!)  we stand behind any posts we make to our social media feeds.  

Two of the many subjects that we are extremely motivated by are Game Of Thrones and Star Wars, which is most likely obvious by our regular posts (We beat them like a dead horse!)

But the CanGeek community isn't just about what we like, its about what you like too, after all we're doing this for you, so we need your help......

We're open to feedback so long as its constructive in nature, and we want to hear what you have to say.  Our biggest fear (The CanGeek fear, see what I did there) is that all of our efforts are for nothing, so help us out and get involved in the community we're building by dropping us a quick message or sharing some of your content with us.

We honestly don't bite (unless your into that!)

As always thanks for reading :)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Once A Geek.....

Twelve months, a lot can happen in the course of one year........

For example, twelve months ago I was employed as a middle level manager for EB Games Canada, a division of Gamestop international, and I liked my job.  Now that isn't to say that I liked the people I worked for or their policies, although at one time I'm sure I did.   I think my attitude towards the job changed around the time I found myself having to repeatedly defend my staff against a district manager who viewed my customers as nothing more then walking wallets.   

And I liked the majority of my customers.

So after 6 1/2 years of assuming the position it should have come as no shock when my former manager arrived with their immediate supervisor and walked me to the door, but it did and I was devastated.

So I did what many have done in my situation, I took to social media and lamented about how poorly the company had acted towards me, all this in the hopes that the right person would see it and by some fluke of nature I would once again be wanted and needed for my expertise, but that didn't happen.

What did happen was the people who I worked with, the ones who called me friend, no longer wanted any association with me and I felt even more alone and hurt then ever.

Then somewhere along the way I realized what needed to happen, I needed to capitalize on one of my greatest strengths and assets, being a geek!

Long before I was employed by McGameshop I was a gamer, in fact I have been gaming most of my life, regularly playing tabletop games such as Magic: the Gathering and Battletech and video games including anything with the Dragon Age or Elder Scrolls label attached to it. 

Long before I worked in the gaming industry I spent a fair amount of time working for another home entertainment leader, Blockbuster video.  My time at Blockbuster was spent fulfilling my constant craving to see the next great movie and sharing that joy with those around me, in short helping to bring a smile to the faces of those around me, hoping to entertain them......

I'm a geek!  I don't view this as shameful, I actually wear it like a badge of honor.

Being a geek has allowed me to develop long lasting friendships with like-minded people.

Being a geek has allowed me to find love and happiness with an extremely beautiful woman, a geek in her own right,   

Being a pair of geeks has allowed my wife and I to continue the circle of life by raising the next generation of geeks.

Being a pair of geeks has motivated us to begin a new venture together - CanGeek!

Our mission with CanGeek is a simple one, through our active involvement on multiple social media platforms we want to engage and entertain like minded people from around the world.

In the coming months we will be lunching, which will include a small online store offering a very select lineup of products geared to our various online communities.  Our website will also include a calendar of up coming events that you can connect with us at and a weekly blog and vlog update.

From movies and television to comics and gaming we want to have some fun and hope you'll join us on this adventure.

"CanGeek is an online community dedicated to the open and free discussion of all things science fiction, fantasy, and gaming related"

So please come check us out: