Thursday, June 2, 2016

Conquering The Stars And Riding The Rails

Fifteen hours per week.....

Like most people working a full time job I spend a lot of time on public transit moving back and forth to and from my current place of employment, So out of curiosity I recently sat down and calculated roughly how many hours I spend commuting and came up with fifteen hours per week.

This represents a ninety minute commute each way to and from work five days per week, and a fair chunk of that time is spent riding the trains.

Needless to say things can get more then a little boring.

I usually spend this time reading, sleeping, or playing with my phone because in truth who wants to stare at strangers (its kind of creepy)

Now I'm the type of person who gets really involved in whatever game their playing, so much so that I have been know to, on occasion, miss my stop because I'm so engrossed in what I'm doing (Dragons Crown for the PS Vita had me doing a lot of backtracking).

Conquering The Stars:

About a month ago a close friend introduced me Star Realms, a new deck building game designed by Magic: The Gathering pro tour champions Rob Dougherty and Darwin Kastle.  Star Realms is a two player space combat game that takes less then 25 minutes to play yet provides hours of enjoyment at an unquestionably reasonable price (it's $14.99 in physical format and once you've played it you'll keep coming back for more!)

Each player begins the game with fifty life points, three points of currency and two points of attack, then the objective is simple, destroy your opponent to secure victory!  This is achieved by shopping the marketplace and making strategic decisions in an effort to build the strongest fleet possible.

It's fast moving and every mistake truly matters!   

Now what does this have to do with my long commute to work?  Star Realms was also recently release in digital format for the PC, Android and IOS as a free download (without the expansions!) 

So if like me you have time to spare as part of your daily trip to and from your place of employment then give Star Realms a chance, I don't think you'll be sorry.

As always, thanks for reading!

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