Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Daniel Radcliffe Not Ready For The Cursed Child

Everyone has an opinion regarding Star Wars, even Harry Potter.

In a recent interview with the Hollywood Reporter Daniel Radcliffe was asked if there where plans to return to the role of Harry Potter for a film adaptation of The Cursed Child. 

"There's a part of me that's like, some things are better left untouched. If we went back to Potter, there's a chance we'd make what Star Wars: The Force Awakens was to the original Star Wars, but there's also the chance that we'd make Phantom Menace. So I don't want to go back to anything like that and maybe sour what people have already loved"

Radcliffe then went on to say that although he has not completely ruled out a possible return he figures he has at least a decade before he has to make that decision. 

"At the moment it's not even a concern because I'm to young to play the character, but even in 10 years time I would still feel strange about going back to it"

When asked about the Cursed Child, which is currently on stage at London's Palace Theater,  Radcliffe admits he has yet to see it but suggests that the stage shows current star,  Jamie Parker, would be a great replacement. 

"I'm never going to close the door,  that would be a stupid thing to do,  but I think I'll be happy enough and secure enough to let someone else play it"

Should Warner Brothers opt to make a film adaptation of the London hit we have to wonder if it would have the same feeling with another actor portraying the much loved wizard?

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