Friday, November 11, 2016

Our True Heroes

I love my comics and my comic book heroes, especially the DC superheros, but I know in my heart who the true heroes are.

Like so many others my family has had a proud history of military service.

Growing up I regularly heard stories of my grandfather on my fathers side,  William Thomas was career British military and served on the German front during the first world War.  Upon suffering a shrapnel related injury his service was over, thankfully he survived but it would ultimately claim his life a few short years later as the injury created other health related complications.

My father was less than two years old at the time and would openly admit that he had few memories of his dad.

My mother's father served during the second world war however we know very little of his 
service.  Alexander Malcolm was a happy and joyful Scotsmen but if questioned about his wartime activities the joy quickly left him as he politely declined to comment.

Such is the way of true heroes - they do what must be done not for praise but because it is the right thing to do. 

My families story is no different then that of the many other families with military heritage, the pride we feel for those who came before drives us on word, my fathers eldest brother served in the Navy during world war II as did other members of his extended family, I've often wondered if my grandfathers service lead to those choices. 

My pride comes from the simple knowledge that if not for the continued willingness of military personal to put themselves in harms way and potentially make the ultimate sacrifice, we would not enjoy the rights and freedoms we do today.

From playing board games and video games to cosplay and reading our favorite literature, I have to believe that the world would be a much different and a less tolerant place had Adolf Hitler and the German army been the victors at the conclusion of 1945.  Had Bin Laden not been neutralized he would have continued to stage attacks world wide, many more lives would have been lost.

Such is the reality of the world we live in - there will always be those intent on doing harm to others, but there will always be those ready to serve, to protect our right to be free.

So as we acknowledge the true heroes this remembrance day, please take a moment to consider what your life would be like if not for them, the sons and daughters and mothers and fathers who leave their families behind in order to defend and protect all the families of our global community.

Lest we forget.

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