Sunday, February 26, 2017

Can we really blame Ben Affleck for being disenchanted with the DC Extended Universe if fans feel the same way?

Image result for ben affleck batman

At some point in each persons life they can't help but wonder what it would be like to be the Batman?  Unlike the rest of us Ben Affleck can actually say he knows.

Four years ago Affleck was riding high with both a string of successful films behind him & the dark knights cape and cowl in front of him.  Although many fans voiced their concerns and displeasure via social media it was a done deal, Ben Affleck would be the next Batman. 

Warner Brothers and DC where looking to actively compete with Disney owned Marvel Comics for that all important box office revenue by jump starting the DC Extended Universe, and the Warner Brothers plan began with the 2013 release Man Of Steel.

Man Of Steel would tell the story of a much different Clark Kent, someone who had no desire to be a hero, someone who would be forced into the light when a vengeful General Zod threatened to destroy the Earth.

Fast forward three years to the 2016 release of Zack Snyder's Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and we would be introduced to Ben Affleck as a xenophobic and resentful Bruce Wayne.

Having witnessed first hand the destructive power Superman was capable of, Wayne would make it his mission to end the Kryptonian before humanity was forced to pay the ultimate price.  In turn Clark Kent, who had now accepted his role as humanities hero, would make it his mission to bring the Gotham City vigilante to justice once and for all.

With the inclusion of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and The Flash as filler, the climax of the film would be a more or less one-sided battle designed as a lead in to a yet to be released Justice League film and spin off titles for each individual character.

Warner Brothers had big plans however as the numbers came in it would be obvious that fans did not respond kindly to Batman V Superman.

Affleck's second outing as The Dark Knight would be a cameo five months later in the Suicide Squad, however not before Warner Brothers ordered a selection of re-shoots to address what they viewed as the missed opportunities of Snyder's Batman V Superman.

Unfortunately the numbers would once again reflect that fans had receive Suicide Squad with mixed reviews.

With both the Wonder Woman and Justice League films on the horizon things weren't looking good, however the decision was made to produce a stand alone Batman film with Affleck once again in the lead as both the star and the director.

However it was recently announced that Matt Reeves would take over the directors chair amid rumors that Affleck neither wanted to direct nor star in the film. 

Honestly who can blame him?  In a genre that has seen Marvel virtually unopposed since the release of Iron Man in 2008 its sadly conceivable that the creation of the DC Extended Universe came far to late and will be a difficult pill for consumers to swallow.

What we often forget is that in the public eye an actor is only as valuable as their most recent success, and with two failed outings in the cape and cowl already under his utility belt can we really blame this Oscar winner for potentially wanting out?

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Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Walking Dead - Rick's Smile ***SPOILERS***

When Rick smiles you can bet something big is going to go down!

With the return of The Walking Dead this evening it became abundantly clear that the season seven finale is going to be nothing short of epic.

Tonight's episode began with Gabriel looting Alexandria's supplies and disappearing into the night while Rick and company were seeking support from The Hilltop in preparation for their showdown with Negan and the saviors.

Not surprisingly Gregory would have nothing to do with supporting Alexandria and suggested they use the back door on their way out so as not to be seen.  Rick would gain a few supporters from The Hilltop but not nearly enough to win in whats sure to be a numbers game.

Jesus would then take Rick and his group to The Kingdom in the hopes of gaining support from King Ezekiel.  Rick would come face to face with Morgan, and once hearing of Glenn and Abraham's deaths Morgan would suggest finding an alternative non-violent course of action to Ezekiel.  Fearing for the lives of his people the good king would deny Rick armed support but Daryl would be granted asylum from Negan within The Kingdoms walls.  

All was not lost however because on their return trip to Alexandria, the group would acquire some much needed firepower in the form of explosives - the saviors shouldn't just leave their stuff lying around! They would then return to Alexandria in time for a visit from the saviors who were sent to eliminate Daryl - Negan seems a little upset over fat Joey's death.

Once they were satisfied that Daryl hadn't returned to Alexandria they would leave and Rick would learn of Gabriel's unusual departure.  Rick would search Gabriel's home and would find evidence pointing him in the direction of the houseboat that he and Aaron had scavenged a short time ago for Negan.  

Once again Rick and group would set out on the road in search of Gabriel and as the final seconds of the mid-season premiere ticked away we would see something rare from the leader of Alexandria, a smile!

In an episode were Alexandria would be rejected time and again it took being surrounded by a mass group with guns to really set things in motion,  I think it's safe to say that Rick has found his army.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Powerless Episode one ***SPOILERS!***

I'm a dedicated DC fan, from ARROW and The Flash to Legends Of Tomorrow and Supergirl I've honestly felt like prime time television is fertile ground for the DC Extended Universe. 

I've even gone on record several times suggesting that Warner Brothers would do well to forgo the DC feature length films and instead focus more on their small screen success.  Needless to say when NBC's new series Powerless aired it's first episode last Thursday I was hopeful this track record would continue. 

The stories central character Emily Locke (played by Vanessa Hudgens) has recently moved to Charm City in order to assume the role of Director of Research & Development at Wayne Security which is a division of Wayne Enterprises.

On her first day of work, the train Emily is traveling on is knocked off the tracks during a showdown between local Super Hero Crimson Fox and Super Villain Jack O'lantern.  Well Emily is in shock over being part of this event the other train passengers are unmoved by the events with one person stating this happens everyday as he calls his workplace to let them know he'll be thirty minutes late.

Once at work Emily is introduced to her new boss Van Wayne (played by Alan Tudyk) the cousin of Bruce Wayne.  Van has one goal in mind, to be transferred to the Gotham office of Wayne Enterprises by any means necessary.  He has hired Emily with that singular objective in mind, charging her with the task of developing something that will make his cousin take notice of  Van's hard work!

Emily is then introduced to her team members, Teddy (played by former Community star Danny Pudi) who spends his days executing work place pranks.  Ron the I.T guy (played by comedian Ron Funches) who still holds a childlike fascination with Superhero's, and Jackie (played by Christina Kirk) who Van is utilizing as his personal assistant.

Emily begins by calling a staff meeting with her new team and expresses her desire to "Help People" but is having a difficult time getting her team to buy in, she is made aware that she is not their first new manager, with five people having recently come and gone before her.  She confronts Van who's true motives and aspirations are made clear

A short time later Van tells everyone that Bruce Wayne has made the decision to shut down Wayne Security as it has become an obsolete and unnecessary decision.   While everyone is in shock and dismay over having lost their jobs Van is thrilled - He's being transferred to Gotham City! 

Emily reconnects with her now highly demotivated team and convinces them to revisit an already existing yet under utilized technology to try and save their jobs.  The next morning they have developed a wearable device that alerts average citizens to the presence of Super Villains and Emily threatens to take it to Bruce unless Van does.  Giving into the pressure Van informs Bruce who has a change of heart on the closure of Wayne Security and Van loses his opportunity to relocated to Gotham - a fact he holds Emily responsible for.  

The final seconds of the episode make reference to Batman capturing The Joker with a new gadget that alerted him to The Clown Prince Of Crime's presence. 

The premiere episode of Powerless was ripe with multiple references to the DC extended universe, and even featured a voice cameo by Adam West, but in a comic book based universe known for telling dark and gritty stories I can't help but wonder if there is room for this type of comedy?

With IMDB giving the series 6.6/10, Rotten Tomatoes scoring it at 61%, and Metacritic giving it a rating of 57% it will be interesting to see how this new series fairs over the next few weeks.

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