Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ben is STILL the Batman!

Actor Ben Affleck took time to address rumors of his immanent departure while promoting the upcoming Justice League movie this past weekend at San Diego Comic-Con.

"Let me be very clear. I am the luckiest guy in the world, Batman in the coolest part of any universe -- DC, Marvel. It's incredible... I'm so thrilled to do it.  I know that there was a misconception that because I didn't direct it that I wasn't enthusiastic about it, but its fucking amazing, and I still can't believe I've done two films and have this great history with this studio"

Addressing his decision to vacate the directors chair and working with War For The Planet Of The Apes director Matt Reeves, Affleck told moderator Chris Hardwick:

"I would be an ape on the ground for Matt Reeves -- never-mind being Batman, so I'm really blown away and excited, and it's a great time time in the DC Universe."

With "The Batman" script going through a literal re-write there is no official release date for the stand-alone film, but all eyes will be on Affleck's Batman when he returns as part of the Justice League on November the 16th.

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