Thursday, May 31, 2018

CanGeek's Fandom Friday!

Everyone remembers their first...

For me I was six years old, it was a cold winter day, we were snowed in so my Mom and Dad slept late that morning. I had woke up at my normal time, half expecting to be rushed off to school but when that didn't happen I turned on the television to watch the very first movie to air on Canada's new home movie network - First Choice!

And as I watched the adventure unfold in front of me, the heroic sacrifice a mentor was prepared to make for his student, the epic fight between good and evil, a new hope was born within me and my life long love of Star Wars was born.

As I type out this blog It's Friday June 1st, and on the CanGeek Community Page we're inviting our members to post about their personal favorite fandom, and from gaming to comics and movies I have a lot to talk about....but I suspect I will be posting about Star Wars more then anything else today.

If you've read some of my other blogs then you know I can be more then a little outspoken about the current state of a galaxy far, far away, I'm not a major supporter of what Disney has done to the Star Wars universe, however I'm grateful that this franchise still has some life left in it and we still have much to discuss.

Like many others fans, those who support the Star Wars franchise are both fiercely loyal and aggressively protective of this fandom. Like me there are many out their who find comfort in this series because it invokes memories of simpler times, memories of their childhood.

We aren't born as fans, we develop our fandom as we grow.

Everyone remembers their first game, their first film or television show, the first comic book that made them an instant fan of a specific superhero or publisher, that's what we're talking about today.

Please consider this an open invitation to join the CanGeek Games and Collectibles Fandom Friday on Facebook and share the passion you have for your fandom of choice with us.

Thanks for reading.

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