Thursday, January 12, 2017

Magic The Gathering: My Story

My love of collectable card games began at seventeen when I was first introduced to Magic: The Gathering, this is my story:

I had been gaming for years with Battletech on Friday nights and Dungeons and Dragons every Sunday afternoon being my games of choice.  One Sunday our second edition D&D group got together as we usually did however this Sunday it seemed like no one was really interested in adventuring through Ravenloft and that is when it began.

One of our party members reached into his bag and produced two decks of cards.

Upon inspection the cards were smooth to the touch, had a glossy finish and contained some of the most breathtaking art I had ever seen.  During the next three hours the five people sitting at that table took turns playing with those same two decks of cards and my personal addiction was born.

Within two weeks I had purchased multiple packs of cards and had designed three playable decks with my Red & Black deck being my pride and joy.  Our Sunday afternoon games quickly became our Sunday afternoon Magic games (until our Dungeon Master put a stop to that).

Within a month of my first introduction to MTG I was in need of more compilation, so much like it had happened previously, I introduced my Friday night Battletech group to this amazing new game with surprisingly similar results.

Out of a group of four Battletech players I had recruited three new Magic: The Gathering players and had greatly increased my available competition in the process.

The Friday night Battletech games quickly took a back seat to the Friday Night Magic games.

When we played, we all played to win which inspired some fierce and aggressive rivalries in the process.  Each week someone was sure to arrive with a newly designed deck or a slightly re-tuned deck with the intentions of putting everyone else to shame that particular week.

This fact kept us all slightly poor as we were always buying cards in an attempt to "One Up" everyone else.....

With that fact in mind it should have come as no surprise when our group started burning out and we went back to playing Battletech, everyone had tired of Magic: The Gathering.  We still played the odd game once in awhile, but nothing like before.

Eventually people started cashing out and selling off their cards, myself included, but my story didn't end there.  For sometime I was sure I would never play again, I had an amazing collection of mint cards that I'd sold off so why would I ever go back?  Friendship!

Eight years ago I got a call from an old friend whom I use to play against, he was getting some people together at his place for a one day game, a booster draft, and he wanted me to come.  At first I resisted the temptation but I was weak and in need of a good game so I relented and went - it was one time so it couldn't hurt, could it???

Eight years have passed and I have amassed an even larger collection of cards then before, partially because I introduced my wife to Magic: The Gathering and much like before I crafted another addiction!

We don't play as often as we once did but we still play and I've reassembled some of our original group just to keep it interesting.

The competition is intense, old habits die hard after all.....


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