Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Whats happened to Cyberpunk 2077?

Image result for cyberpunk 2077

When I was fifteen years old a close friend introduced me to this amazing new tabletop RPG that he had just purchased.....

Published by FASA (the makers of both Mechwarrior and Battletech) this new game used a not to distant dystopian future as a backdrop and incorporated both science fiction and fantasy as a means of engaging its players in some truly creative storytelling.

Needless to say that by the end of our first adventure I was in love with Shadowrun!

My fascination for Shadowrun prompted me to develop a love for all things within the cyberpunk genre and as a result i sought out more games, more books, more movies, if it was cyberpunk themed then I wanted it!

Over the years however I had engrossed myself so deeply into this subculture that I began to lose interest in it, the truth is that anyone who says you can't have to much of a good thing is sadly deceiving you.

However this all changed for me once again in 2012, that's when the trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 appeared on YouTube:

Developed by CD Projekt Red (the publishers of The Witcher franchise) and based on the Cyberpunk 2020 tabletop game, Cyberpunk 2077 was originally slated for release on both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, so what happened?

The answer is simple, CD Projekt Red threw all of their development power behind The Witcher to ensure it would be the acclaimed success that it has ultimately became.  With the release of "Blood & Wine" which is the final DLC for The Witcher 3, we now eagerly await the release of Cyberpunk 2076, and it promises to be worth the wait!

Reports have suggested that Cyberpunk 2077 with its sandbox environment and optional first person/third person game play experience will be the largest open-world RPG ever created by CD Projekt Red.  

Further facts to support this include CD Projekt Red's decision to devote a larger team to the development of Cyberpunk 2077 then was allocated to The Witcher 3, also during the most rigorous period of The Witchers development CD Projekt Red opted to began upgrading the REDengine 3 game engine in preparation for work on Cyberpunk 2077.

Another aspect of game play that has been suggested is multiplayer which is highly unusual for a CD Projekt Red title.  Realizing the idea of a multiplayer experience could alarm its dedicated fan base, CD Projekt Red's managing director Adam Badowski told Eurogame during a 2013 interview

"It will be a story-based RPG experience with amazing single-player playthroughs, but we're going to add multiplayer features.  We don't know much beyond that"

As usual the developers are taking a "When it's done" approach in regards to the games release date, however it has been suggested that the release window expands anywhere from 2017 to 2021 with the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC now being their target platforms.

In my opinion this developer has a successful track record of releasing powerful and engulfing role-playing games that at their core have never failed to provide an exceptional experience to the end user..  With that fact in mind i enthusiastically and somewhat impatiently await the release of what i expect will be CD Projekt Red's best game to date.

Thanks for reading and remember to follow us at CanGeek.com

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