Monday, June 5, 2017

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 - a CanGeek Movie Review

I should have seen it coming....

After about four weeks of waiting patiently for the heat to die down, I finally ventured out of my cave to see Guardians Of The Galaxy vol. 2 on Saturday night.  Now in truth my wife and I had agreed to take a stab at seeing Wonder Woman but it came as no big surprise that all the shows were sold out by the time we got there.

No matter though because I REALLY wanted to see Guardians, so with popcorn and drink in hand we ventured into the darkness.   

In truth I wasn't sure what to expect from this film, I'd enjoyed the first film but had heard a lot of negative feedback from people about this second installment. Even the guy selling us the movie tickets felt the need to share how bad it was before he smiled and took our money. 

What had I gotten myself into?

A Very Detailed Synopsis ***SPOILERS AHEAD***

An undetermined amount of time has passed since the conclusion of the first movie but these five misfits are working well together - okay as well as can be expected.  They have been hired by an advanced race known as The Sovereign to protect a precious power source of batteries from a creature that is feeding on them.  Upon completion of the job The Sovereign pay for the Guardians services by turning Nebula over to Gamora. Nebula was captured trying to steal the batteries and although this crime is punishable by death, Gamora intends to cash in on the bounty on Nebula's head.

However once the business transaction has been completed the team learns that Rocket Raccoon has also stolen the batteries because The Sovereign are assholes! Offended by this transgression The Sovereign launch a full on arcade style attack on the Guardians but come up empty when a mysterious alien know as Ego intervenes on the teams behalf.

Peter/Star-Lord will learn that Ego, who is played by Kurt Russell, is an eternal being who's life is sustained by the existence of his planet - Ego is The Living Plaint manifested into physical form. It is in this state that Ego paid a visit to Earth and planted his seed within Peters mother Meredith Quill.

So long as the light burns within Ego The Living Planet,, Peter Quill is immortal - maybe.

The Sovereign are still upset over the theft of their batteries and the destruction of their forces, so they turn to Yondu and his ravagers to retrieve their batteries and kill the Guardians.  However before The Sovereign hire Yandu there is an confrontation between Yondu and another ravager captain, Starhawk played by Sylvester Stallone. It is during this exchange that we learn Yondu has been cast out by the ravagers for dealing in the smuggling of children.

Yondu and his crew eventually catch up to Rocket and Baby Groot who have been left to guard Nebula while Peter, Draxx and Gamora are off with Ego who has promised to teach Peter about his heritage. After a short fight, which saw Rocket breaking out lots of cool weapons, the three are ultimately captured and Yondu's crew start calling for blood.

Yondu declares that he is not going to kill the Guardians Of The Galaxy least they have the whole Nova Core out for their heads. When his crew realizes the Guardians are worth more dead then the batteries are on the open market they accuse Yondu of going soft and stage a mutiny.  Soon after Yondu is incapacitated and locked away with Rocket, the crew that were loyal to him are blown out an airlock, Nebula has struck a deal for her freedom, and Groot is used as a plaything by Taser-face the new captain of the mutiny.

Nebula leaves for Ego's planet with one thing on her mind, killing Gamora!  Meanwhile after Rocket tells Yondu that Peter is with Ego, Yondu insists that they have to get out of there,. Together they convince Baby Groot to help them escape and Yondu soaks the ship in the blood of his former crew - Just give a little whistle!

The ship is badly damaged and just before its destruction Rocket, Groot and Yondu escape in a survival pod but not before the would-be-captain of the mutineers contacts The Sovereign with the location of Ego The Living Planet.

Meanwhile Ego has begun to teach Peter about his abilities and the power has gone to his head. After a fight with Gamora which will see her walk out, Ego explains to Quill that there are things of more importance in the universe then the love of a mortal creature.

Gamora is clearing her head in seclusion when Nebula arrives and attempts to kill her. It is at the conclusion of this epic confrontation that both Gamora and Nebula come to terms with their relationship as sisters and find a cavern full of humanoid remains on a plaint devoid of life - something isn't right here! 

They return to Ego's dwelling to find Draxx, Draxx however has already been told of Ego's true intentions by Mantis who Draxx describes as Ego's emphatic pet.

At the same time Ego is explaining to Peter his true intentions, for millions of years he has searched for purpose to justify his existence, a purpose he hoped to find in humanoid form.  However having been unfulfilled, Ego has spent his time populating the galaxy with not only his progeny but with seeds to complete his expansion, soon everything will be Ego!

Having realized that he was incapable of completing his expansion alone, Ego hired Yandu to collect his children in the hopes that one of them would hold the connection required to his planet, to harness the power required to fuel the expansion. However as each offspring was unable to do so he would burn them out and dispose of their remains in the caverns below the surface.

Realizing that he was a power source to Ego, Quill questions Ego's love of his mother and learns that the planet did indeed love Meredith Quill, and understanding the power of that love he placed a tumor in her head so that he would not be swayed from his objectives.

With this information the final battle begins for not only Peter Quill's life but for the universe as a whole. Former enemies will become allies, a battle will be waged on two fronts, Yondu's true fatherly love for Peter will be reviled and a somewhat surprising death will occur as a character is granted his redemption.

The Final Verdict:

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 was unlike the original film, the first movie was much more action oriented with bits of comedy slipped in for an all around decent origin story. This new movie still has the feel of the original film but has incorporated just the right amount of drama to tug at your heartstrings.

Guardians Vol 2 is a film about the love of family, not necessarily the family you are born into but the family you adopt throughout your lifetime and the lengths you will go to for them. It also didn't hurt that James Gunn choose to cast Kurt Russell at Ego, Kurt Russell makes a great villain and we need to somehow see him in more Marvel films!

I should have seen it coming, everyone has a different opinion, but in my opinion Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 was well worth the money we spent on Saturday night...... I'm now eagerly awaiting the release of Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3! 

Have you seen this movie, if so let us know if you agree or disagree with this review and please remember to follow us at

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