Friday, June 2, 2017

The Last Jedi: a CanGeek Fan Theory

In December 2015 when Disney and Lucasfilm released Star Wars: The Force Awakens I was absolutely absorbed in the hype - The Disney marketing team had stormed their way into my heart like Vader and his stormtroopers boarding a ship on a mercy mission as they looked for stolen military plans.

However as much as I enjoyed the two and a half hours I spent in that movie theater, the reality that I had just watched a rehashing of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back was not lost on me. Was this what we had waited thirty years for, was the next Star Wars trilogy going to be one recycled script after another?

There was a glimmer of hope in January 2017 when Star Wars: The Last Jedi was reviled as the title of the upcoming episode eight, and like much of the internet I immediately assumed that they must be talking about Luke, Luke is obviously the Last Jedi isn't he?

But what if he isn't the Last Jedi, what if Luke isn't a Jedi at all?

There is this one line from Return of the Jedi that has been going through my mind since the beginning of the year:

"I am a Jedi like my father before me"

Could this one line of dialogue between Luke Skywalker and Emperor Palpatine hide a major plot twist for the upcoming film?  Consider this, what kind of Jedi was Anakin Skywalker? When describing his father to Luke, Obi-Wan stated:

"He was the best star-pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior... And he was a good friend"

But Anakin Skywalker was also easily corrupted and ultimately turned to the dark side of the force by the The Emperor, That couldn't happen to Luke could it?  What if it has already happened...

During the final minutes of Return of the Jedi when Palpatine is trying to turn Luke there is this one moment when Skywalker seems to lose control and allow his anger to get the better of him, remember this?

When Yoda first meets Anakin he warns that "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" what if Luke's explosion of anger on the Death Star opened the door for his transition to the dark side of the force, he is after all a Jedi Like His Father Before Him!

How does this theory potentially affect The Last Jedi? 

Earlier this week rumors began to circulate online that Lego had inadvertently given away plot points for the new film when they reveled their first set of new Lego Star Wars play-sets.. Within hours damage control was underway as every traces of this blunder was deleted from the world wide web.   

Although the leaked information mainly focused on Supreme Leader Snoke and his possible origins, one box displayed a golden robed Snoke communicating with another robed figure who's face was purposely blotted out in a witness protection style manner.

Could this be Luke Skywalker the Sith apprentice? 

When Rian Johnson premiered his teaser trailer at Star Wars Celebration Orlando one line of dialogue jumped out at me:

Many people speculated that this was potentially a move towards a future Grey Jedi story-line, but what if it isn't and Luke is actually a Sith in hiding? Then who is The Last Jedi? With Star Wars: Rebels preparing to wrap up could Disney be connecting this series with the new trilogy could Kanan or Ezra be be about to make an appearance?

The groundwork has been laid for this theory to be conceivable, however unlikely it might be. One thing is for sure though, this type of twist is just what we need - for Disney and Lucasfilm to do something completely unexpected to keep the Star Wars universe fresh and ever changing.

Because as much as I like the original films I don't want to re-watch the same stories with a younger cast, and frankly Luke Skywalker Sith Lord just sounds AWESOME!

Agree or Disagree?  Let us know in the comments below and please remember to follow us at

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