Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kingsman: What the F#CK is Alpha Gel???

This past Saturday, in between getting ready for CanGeek's participation in the Peterborough Comic-Con, my wife and I darted into a theater to see Kingsman: The Golden Circle.

I've quite regularly stated that beyond Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first Kingsman film was one of my favorite movies of 2015, so I've been eagerly anticipating the release of this sequel for what feels like a lifetime now.

Generally speaking The Golden Circle was a decent followup film, there are however two points that bothered me, and at the top of that list is the return of Harry Hart played by Colin Firth. When I first heard that Firth would return for this sequel I was both joyful and confused, usually when someone is shot in the head at point-blank range they don't get a do-over,

But hey this is Hollywood so anything is possible, right?

Once they brought Harry into the story-line, it was explained that The Statesmen, the American cousins to the Kingsmen had developed this substance known as Alpha Gel. When injected post-gunshot through a victims ears, Alpha Gel builds a protective layer around the brain while nanobots internally dissolve the bullet - so this Alpha Gel stuff is basically magic and that is where my first issue with this film begins. 

Now I know that movies are not generally realistic but somethings are much harder to believe then others, for example had the writers explained Harts return through the use of cloning, that would have been much easier to accept then a magic gel that protects you from head trauma. It's not bad enough that they used this explanation once, but they killed off another character in a similar manor and then brought them back later in the film to further develop what felt like an unnecessary story arc.

My second issue with this film is simply that it felt too busy, there was so much "Star Power" in this film that it felt like they were coming up with any reason for characters to interact as a means to ensure that each actor or actress had their fair share of screen time.

One standout among all this star power was Julianne Moore as the films villain, this lady has playing a sociopath down to a science, she was a fantastic followup to Samuel L. Jackson in the first film.

However having said that, I think what made the first Kingsman film such a success is what they missed with this second film. You had a fluid story that moved forward quickly, it didn't feel like you had to have a road map to keep up with the story-line. That's not to say that you can't follow this story, but you do need to pay much more attention to keep up with all the jumping around that takes place in this movie.

I enjoyed this film, all be it not as much as the first one, and on a rating scale out of ten I'd  give this sequel a solid eight! Lets just hope that by the time a third film comes out the production staff re-watch the first movie and find their way back home.

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1 comment:

  1. Scott Gasson, basically, you're an idiot!! Movies such as kingsman aren't based in reality. I'm guessing you thought the rotating gandola was realistic?? Or how about the blue goo wall in the same area of the film. It was a great movie and you so called film critics as usual miss the mark.
