Thursday, September 28, 2017

What's Next For Designated Survivor?

I generally try to avoid political dramas as a form of entertainment, with so much happening in the "Real World" I need not look any further than the six o'clock news if I want to become both disgusted and depressed. 

With that fact in mind I have never watched House of Cards or The West Wing, although many friends and family members have regularly recommended these shows to me. 

But there was something different about Designated Survivor, it was obvious from the beginning that this was not going to be your typical political drama. This story was going to focus on a conspiracy of epic proportions, one which would bring a nation to its knees as a government was dismantled and a man with no political ambitions was thrust into the most demanding role in the world.

This looked like a series that I could get behind, plus it starred Kiefer Sutherland so how could you really go wrong?

The first season didn't disappoint. 

As the designated survivor Sutherland's character Tom Kirkman was flung into the presidency when a homegrown terrorist attack leveled Washington's Capital Building and eliminated the bulk of the United States Government during the State Of The Union address.   

Kirkman would immediately be faced with many challenges, transitioning his family to the White House, navigating the minefield that is a political life in Washington, restoring the trust of a demoralized nation, and bringing those responsible for this attack to justice.

This did not feel like your typical political drama, and by the time season one drew to a close I was already eagerly anticipating season two and the journey that the writers would continue to take us on. 

That wait came to an end last night as season two began with a giant leap forward!

It has been a year since the events that began the series transpired, the Kirkman administration has rebuilt that which was destroyed at a considerable expense, the wealthy ringleader behind the attack has been identified and is now on the run, and the American people have begun to lose faith in Tom Kirkman and his ability to lead.

Last nights episode found the States being drawn into a conflict between Russia and Chechnya with American civilians being used as leverage, but as the episode concluded it saw Patrick Lloyd, the terrorist leader played by Terry Serpico sneaking back into Washington D.C.

The return of Lloyd to Washington is in my opinion the catalyst that will propel season two forward. Because at its core it is this homegrown conflict that made season one so enjoyable, and it is that same tension that the shows producers will need in order to not only have a successful second season but to also hopefully be renewed for a third season as well.

Are you watching Designated Survivor?  If so, let us know in the comments below what your hopes are for season two and please remember to follow us on social media via our website at

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