Sunday, December 31, 2017

Thank You - We can't say it enough!

What is life without purpose? We all need to feel like we belong, like we matter.

I believe that with the support of our family, friends and loved ones we create our own individual purpose in life - and over the past twelve months with your help I've done exactly that.

So from the bottom of my heart thank you.

I've spent the past few days reflecting on the year that was 2017 and where it has taken CanGeek Games and Collectbales, and I'm more then pleased with the accomplishments, the leaps and bounds in which we've seen our business and our online communities grow - and this is all thanks to you and your support.

A little over two years ago I saw my departure from EB Games Canada, a company I worked at for seven years, in a job that for the most part I enjoyed.  Feeling both bitter and hurt I took my lifelong love of board games and video games, combined that passion with my passion for television, film, and collectables and decided to seek self-employment - CanGeek was born and I've never looked back!

Over the past two years we've grown from a concept into a fully licensed and legally registered Canadian company.  We've setup an online store that is accessible through both our website and our Facebook page,, we're active on Blogger, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube as well as our new podcasts on

Although we need to work on consistency, we are growing and doing much better then I had ever dreamed possible - Again this is all thanks to you.

We have proudly participated as vendors at shows including the GTA Collectibles Expo, the very first Peterborough Comic-Con, the Burlington ToyCon, The Barrie Comic-Con, The Oakville Comic-Con and most recently the East End Expo.

We have been blessed to meet new people, make new friends, send people home with quality games and collectables, and watch our business and our brand develop and grow - Again this is all thanks to you.

Without you our family, our friends, our customers, and our CanGeek community members we wouldn't be able to do the things we do.  We wouldn't be able to share our passion for board games and video gamestelevision and film or toys and collectables with you.

So I cannot say this enough:

- Thank You for your support.
- Thank You for standing by us.
- Thank You for making 2017 such a fantastic year.
- Thank You for giving me hope for the future that is 2018.

On behalf of both Christiane and myself, we wish you nothing but health, success and happiness for 2018, and once again we honestly and truthfully appreciate the support you continue to give us, you represent our purpose as we continue to grown CanGeek Games and Collectables.

Thanks again,

Scott Gasson
Managing Partner
CanGeek Games and Collectables

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