Thursday, January 11, 2018

Keeping It In Focus Part Two - 12 MUST SEE films in 2018!

As a followup to my previous blog Keeping It In Focus Part One, here are the remaining six films that I just can't wait to see in 2018!

7. The Incredables 2:

Some films get bogged down with multiple unnecessary sequels, which is why it's so hard to believe that a film like The Incredables which was truly deserving of a sequel hasn't had one yet - After all its only been fourteen years since The Incredables first arrived in theaters!

But as my mother kept telling me as a child "Good things come to those who wait" and after fourteen years of waiting we're finally set to see the release of The Increadbles 2 on June 15th!

Although the trailer doesn't give much away, it does seem like this film will focus mainly on Jack Jack and his newly acquired powers. However regardless of the story-line The Incredables 2 is sure to be worth the wait as rumors have circulated for years that Craig T. Nelson refused to sign on for a second film unless the script did the first film justice!

8. Ant-Man and The Wasp:

When I first saw Ant-Man I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy the film - I was wrong!  

Where other Marvel films have focused on a dramatic story with small amounts of comedy to move the film forward, Ant-Man was much more lighthearted and comedic in its portrayal of Scott Lang - the would-be criminal who inherits the the Ant-Man suit from Hank Pym. 

An-Man solidified his place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe when he joined Team Cap in Captain America: Civil War - Now it's time for Ant-Man to return alongside The Wasp on July 6th.

In this new film we'll find Scott Lang seeking balance as a new father while still living up to his responsibilities as one of Marvels greatest heroes.

Check out the teaser trailer for Ant-Man and The Wasp.

9. X-Men: Dark Phoenix 

I recently re-watched X2: X-Men United and as much as I like the film I can't help but reflect on all the missed opportunities that came after its release.

For those who have't seen the film I will say that the films conclusion set up what could have been an epic finale to the trilogy with X-Men: The Last Stand - except it was anything but epic!

Fortunately for fans FOX hit the reset button with both the release of X-Men: First Class and X-Men: Days Of Future Past, now we might finally get the Phoenix saga we've been waiting for with the release of X-Men: Dark Phoenix which is due to release on November 2nd.

In this newest film Jean Grey develops Incredibly powerful psionic abilities that corrupt her and threaten to destroy the universe.  The X-men will be forced to decide whether one life is worth more then that of all the other living beings.

With the recent deal between Disney and 20th Century Fox it is all to possible that this could be the final film in the X-Men series, at least until Disney once again resets the franchise - Here's hoping Dark Phoenix goes out with a bang!

10. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald

When Warner Bros. released Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 in 2011, I like many others believed that this final film signaled the end of our adventures in J. K. Rowlings Wizarding World - fortunately we were wrong!

With the release of Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them in 2016 it became clear that fans the world over had many more adventures to look forward too.

Not only did this new series changes locations from the Highlands of Scotland to the bustling metropolis that is New York, but it also took us back in time seventy years to the roaring '20's as it told the story of a wizard determined to protect some truly misunderstood Fantastic Beasts.

And as much as it is true that I couldn't help but point that Newt Scamanders suitcase reminded me of a TARDIS, I did generally enjoyed this new film.

With the release of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grindelwald on November 16th, we can look forward to once again returning to Rowlings Wizarding World, and to the return of a young Albus Dumbledore as portrayed by Jude Law.

Now all we need is for someone to adapt Harry Potter And The Cursed Child into a film and all will be right with the world!

11. Ralph Breaks The Internet: Wreck It Ralph 2

I am both eagerly looking forward & dreading the release of this sequel at the same time.  On one hand I really enjoyed the first film, it was a well thought out story that used classic video games to tell the story of a arcade character who simply wanted acceptance from those around him.

Something we can ALL relate too.

On the other hand, unlike The previously mentioned Incredables 2, I'm not sure that this film warranted a followup, at least not so soon.

My fingers are crossed that this follow up will do justice to its 2012 predecessor when it releases on November 21st.

12. Aquaman:

I've been fairly outspoken in the past regarding Warner Bros. and their efforts to build the DC Extended Universe, that it to say that excluding Wonder Woman (and to a lesser extent Justice League) their films have been nothing short of awful!

So why is Aquaman on this list you might ask, it's either because I still have hope for the future OR like so many others I just like a good train wreck - I'm not quite sure which one it is yet myself. 

Regardless of which it might be, I'll be one of the many DC fans in line to see this movie when it releases on December 21st. Although not much is known about this new film, other then it seems like an origin story, with any luck it will represent a much needed turning point for both Warner Bros. and DC Comic fans the world over.

We Need A Win Here!

Once again this list represents the twelve films I'm eagerly waiting for in 2018, let me know in the comments below which films you can't wait to see this year....

As always thanks for reading, please remember to follow us on social media via

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