Friday, April 6, 2018

Blade Runner 2049 - DON'T DO IT!

When I was seven years old I was already cutting my teeth on some of the biggest Science Fiction and Fantasy films of the time, and one of my fondest memories comes from how many times I watched the original Blade Runner.

Adapted from Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Blade Runner was Directed by Ridley Scott and stared an up and coming cast of actors including Harrison Ford, Sean Young, Retger Hauer and Edward James Olmos.

Set in the dystopian future of 2019, the film followed a burnt out Los Angeles cop by the name of Rick Deckard who had been empowered to track down and "retire" a group of synthetic humans - known as Replicants.

Replicants had been created by the Tyrell Corporation as an off-world workforce in the service of humanity. However when a group of Replicants go rogue and return to Earth, they become a problem that needs to be dealt with quickly.

With both an amazing soundtrack and stunning visuals Blade Runner asked one truly important question, what makes a human being? This was a story that did not require a sequel, but it got one anyways. 

In 2017, thirty-five years after the release of the original film, Harrison Ford returned alongside Ryan Gosling to bring us Blade Runner 2049.

Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Blade Runner 2049 tells the story of officer K - a Replicant working for the LAPD. Much like Deckard before him, K is forced to question his beliefs when evidence comes to light suggesting he isn't who he thinks he is.
The running time of Blade Runner 2049 is 2 hours and 44 minutes, that's almost three hours of your life that you can never reclaim - DON'T DO IT! Don't tarnish the memories you have of the original Blade Runner by watching this weak attempt at continuing the franchise - the film is long with very little action and a truly boring story. Honestly this film felt like an attempt by a movie studio to make some much needed money off nostalgic consumers without offering up much in return.

If you've never had the opportunity to watch 1982's Blade Runner then do yourself a favor and watch that instead. If you have had the good fortune to watch 1982's Blade Runner then do yourself a favor and watch it again - it's a much better investment of your very valuable time.

As always thanks for reading, let us know in the comments below if you agree with this review of Blade Runner 2049 or not, and remember to join the conversation on our Facebook Community Page OR by following us on social media via our website at

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